Between the Noise🎯 #10: Ice-Men of Mumbai, The Earnings of Biggest Movie Franchise, The Future Of Food Delivery & More
Article: How Do You Save a Million People From a Cyclone? Ask a Poor State in India
It’s always good to see foreign media talking good about India. This time it was State administration of Odisha which was praised for its seamless efforts to evacuate more than a million people, transferring them to safe shelters & also providing them with foods.
Video: Baraf: Ice-Men of Mumbai
Working in teams, these ‘ice men’ – often natives of far-off Uttar Pradesh in northern India – store, shovel, crush and cart vast quantities of ice that fishermen use to preserve their catches during weeks away at sea, and on which merchants keep their goods fresh when displaying them for sale or readying them for transport.
Article: A Finnish prison experiment and an ethical question
Finland has now decided to turn to a source of inexpensive labour, its prison inmates, to categorize and label these data elements. Finnish prison labour is being used to feed AI . The company named Vainu is building a comprehensive database of firms around the world that helps Finnish businesses find contractors to work with. For this to work, people need to read through hundreds of thousands of business articles scraped from the internet and label them accurately—in Finnish.
Animation: The Earnings of the Biggest Movie Franchises Over the Last 20 Years
Cool short animation video showing how different movie fanchise like Marvel Cinematic Universe, Start Wars, Fast & Furious etc. have changed in last 20 years with their earnings.
Doc: The Future of Food Delivery
This is an excellent Deck prepared by a former Uber employee who spent 2.5 years in creating Uber Eats. It is a deck prepared with extensive research on current state of the Food Delivery & why it would be growing in coming years.
Twitter Thread: How this lady recovered after getting hit by 2 strokes & memory loss
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