Between the Noise🎯 #12: How Bollywood became famous in USSR, Chain Reaction of Good Habits And More
Podcast: How Bollywood became famous in USSR
This is my best find of this week. I was so amazed at first to know Bollywood was insanely famous in USSR before its dissolution in 1991. To give you an idea, there's a story that when Raj Kapoor visited Moscow for the first time in 1956, his fans lifted his taxi and carried it over their heads. Do listen to this episode to find out how he got this fame in USSR. You can listen to the episode here. Below are my notes from the episode as a Twitter Thread, read here.
Article: Fraud in the Era of Blockchain
This article explains how cryptoassets market are manipulated. With an ocean of different cryptocurrencies currently in the market & wide spread of mediums to reach out to potential buyers, there are high amount of frauds happening in the cryptoassets market. Many claims that crypto market is very lightly regulated than other asset class. This small market capitalization works particularly well with a highly unequal token distribution, where “a couple of individuals may hold double-digit percentages of a cryptocurrency, allowing them to manipulate the price.”
Article: How to Create a Chain Reaction of Good Habits
This article explains Domino Effect: The Domino Effect states that when you make a change to one behavior it will activate a chain reaction and cause a shift in related behaviors as well. I liked this personally as I could co-relate to this directly, since the time I added some sort of exercise to my daily routine, I’ve started feeling more focused at my tasks & more ambitious than other days.
Article: Don’t Visit Your Doctor in the Afternoon
Doctors prescribed fewer unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions for respiratory infections first thing in the morning, but that unnecessary prescriptions gradually increased over the day. We found the exact same doctor, caring for the exact same patient, had a 26 percent higher chance of writing an antibiotic prescription at 4 p.m. compared to 8 a.m.
Quote I Liked:
Maybe you enjoy deep conversations about a wide range of topics,
and your parents don’t,
and seem only interested in the weather or what you had for lunch earlier.
But growing cynical is the best way to build future regrets.
Listen more, and you’ll discover hidden treasures. - @orangebook_
Twitter Thread: A Spiritual Guide to Investing: Lessons from Bhagavad Gita
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