Between the Noise🎯 #15: There's No Space in SPACE, We Don't Know Ourselves Very Well & More
Podcast: Understanding the Space Economy
How space is much more important to modern business than most people realize. It plays a role in making food, pricing insurance, and steering self-driving cars. As companies are eager to send more & more satellites to earth, we may soon run out of space in SPACE for earth facing satellites. We might even see the future where space is developed as a real estate enterprise where big companies rent out their space in space for a specific fee.
App I recommend: Broadcast Lists
The Internet is noisy. This is a one-to-all content platform where people only receive curated content from people and broadcasts they subscribe to. As I have seen the app evolved since its beta, I recommend Broadcast Lists to everyone who feels they’re not finding enough good content on the internet & want some curated broadcasts.
Article: People Don't Actually Know Themselves Very Well
This article was interesting to read. Author talks on different topics like - how people’s coworkers are better than they are at recognizing how their personality, how people only know themselves best on the traits that are tough to observe and easy to admit. In later part, he talks about how to overcome some of the biases people have for themselves from his experience with meeting & talking with different people.
Article: This British Colonial Report Offers a Rare Glimpse Into India’s Historic Cannabis Cuisine
This was my first read on topics of ‘Cannabis’ history of India. So many interesting facts & events described that happened in colonial era. British colonial regarded it as threat to colonial power because they thought it causes madness. O’Shaughnessy , who came to India in 1830s recognized as a clever chemist ran a series of experiments to test effects of drug. Today, Indian law reflects a kind of compromise, influenced by both global drug policy and the historical belief of some elite Indians that edibles are more socially acceptable than smoking. Consuming the leaves of the marijuana plant, used to make bhang, is legal throughout much of India, but smoking the resin and buds is mostly forbidden.
Book I liked: The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
This book was first published in 1923, but it has got so much of relevance 100 years later as well. The book has been translated into more than twenty languages, and the American editions alone have sold more than nine million copies. It is a collection of poetic essays that are philosophical, spiritual, and, above all, inspirational. I use this book as something to look for every now and then, chapters are widely divided in topics such as marriage, love, kids, work, death etc. You can go through any chapter at any point of time & you’d still find some relevant information written for you.
Twitter Thread: WTF moments in Startupville, list of startups with strong ideas, great founders & so much of funding failed.

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