Between the Noise🎯 #2: Why You Should Stop Arguing Politics On Social Media, Twitter's Response To Sad Dad’s Donut Shop & More
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Article #1: Why I Stopped Arguing Politics on Social Media
I had this habit of arguing & getting involved in Politics discussions that happened on Social Media (specially Whatsapp Groups). It’s not that I never knew this habit is wrong and I’d NEVER get anything out of this, but it was just that I couldn’t resist myself. I recently came across this piece & it really stands out in explaining exact journey an individual go through when he/she argues about Politics. (Note: Please open the article in Incognito Mode, if you’ve used free Medium articles limit)
Article #2: Women Haven’t Given Up on Sheryl Sandberg
This article is a reflection on a recent event ‘International Women's Day’. How Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg plays a key role in representing entire women workforce & why more women are still supporting her despite of recent Facebook Scandal.
“You have to have more successful women that people can point to so VCs will give more women money,” said Falzone. “If they’ve never seen a woman be successful before, they’re not going to invest in women.”
Podcast I liked: How This Indian Startup Received Appreciation Letter From President Barack Obama
Episode No. 108 from The Indian Startup Show (Listening Time: 17 Minutes)
Shriyans Bhandari, CEO of Greensole is also a Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia Social Entrepreneur. This social enterprise takes used sneakers which would otherwise end up in a landfill and refurbishes them into sandals that get donated to hundreds of thousands of beneficiaries in India. Shriyans talks about his amazing journey from designing and manufacturing his first shoe to receiving the Forbes 30 under 30 social entrepreneurship award and receiving a letter from Barak Obama and much much more.
Book I Enjoyed Reading: Why I Stopped Wearing My Socks by Alok Kejriwal
This book was on my Radar since it was released last year. Alok Kejriwal is an entrepreneur from early-internet era & founded great companies like contests2win, mobile2win & games2win. His company was the first one to introduce & manage SMS voting in India during Indian Idol season 1. In this book, he describes his journey of leaving his father’s socks factory, then starting up a company & expanding it to China, getting removed from his own company & much more. Buy it here.
Twitter Thread: How Twitter responded to Sad Dad’s newly opened Donut Shop