Between the Noise🎯 #23: Why Humans Will Never Colonize Mars?, How WeChat Faded Into The Silence In India & More
Article: Humans Will Never Colonize Mars (Long Read)
Very interesting long read with arguments, facts & insights on why colonizing Mars is very tough than people think. It discusses challenges on Mars related to its atmosphere, gravity (which is 0.375 of Earth), radiation (which no one takes seriously), raising surface temperature & air pressure to make it habitable, Life in a closed environment & more.
We don’t see colonists living in Antarctica or under the sea, so why should we expect troves of people to want to live in a place that’s considerably more unpleasant?
Article: How WeChat faded into the silence in India
After huge success in India, WeChat - world’s largest super app entered Indian market in 2012. They were the first mobile app to launch a TV ad in India. They spent heavy on marketing campaigns & were getting good traction with campaigns, but it faded slowly due to challenges related to - ‘add friend request’ feature which was a hurdle in seamless experience, ‘people nearby’ option which led women receiving unwanted messages & other localisation problems. WeChat tried to implement same strategy as China, but they failed to localize as per Indian consumer needs.
Podcast: Cracking the Code of Love
It doesn't matter if you're single, married, divorced, child, sibling, parent or anyone. This podcast is something you should listen to right now. Best pieces of advice on a relationship I've ever heard. Absolute marvel. I’m planning to revisit this episode every 6-months.
Video: The Cognitive Tradeoff Hypothesis
Fascinating video to understand how humans developed their best communication medium - Language, by trading off their cognitive abilities. The guy competes with chimpanzee on a simple intelligence test where chimpanzee beat him by margin.
Chart: How Facebook is Using Machine Learning to Map the World Population
Twitter Thread: Who are the people in your career who took a chance on you?
Amazing responses on this thread.
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