Between the Noise🎯 #27: What Happens to Your Body When You Die in Space?, The Laws of Investing & More
Article: What Happens to Your Body When You Die in Space?
Nice read. There are lot many things we can do with a dead body & there are so many rules built around it.
Article: The Laws of Investing (Long Read)
Collaborative fund is one of my recent favorite website to read wide range of blogs & Morgan Housel writes really great articles. This is one of the best article I’ve read in recent times about Investing.
Article: How I Built My Network, Before I Knew Anyone
So much to learn from this article if you want to network with a stranger. I use some of his methods to reach out to people who are way beyond my level (founders, Investors) & results are positive. Good read.
Quote I liked:
“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.” — Haruki Murakami
Documentary: The Great Indian Election
I was eagerly waiting for this since I saw the trailer online. Great documentary. I learned so many new things on how ECI & other administrative bodies conduct fair & free election across the country. Fun Fact: As per the ECI mandate, no citizen should go 2km beyond their residence to cast the vote & that’s so many remote booths are set up.
Book I’m reading currently: Alchemy by Rory Sutherland
After seeing lot of good reviews about the book on my Twitter TL, I decided to give it a read. And it’s an amazing book. It discusses how our desire to find ‘logical/rational explanation’ to every question of the world is misleading us & how we may find some good results to our problems by thinking irrationally.
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