Between the Noise🎯 #4: How To Increase Your Online Privacy, Tesla Won't Save The World & More
A Few Simple Steps to Vastly Increase Your Privacy Online
Since the Facebook’s privacy fiasco last year, more and more cases about breach of personal data & privacy are coming from different companies about data theft, passwords exposed, hacking of their users data etc. This article explains simple steps through which you can increase your privacy online & disappoint Google & Facebook by sending them less of your personal data.
Don't be fooled - Elon Musk's electric cars aren't about to save the planet
When I came across this piece, I felt “Ahhh…. Finally someone said THIS!” It’s a 3 year old article, but the conditions hasn’t changed much from then.
In China, because their coal power plants are so dirty, electric cars make local air much worse: in Shanghai, pollution from more electric-powered cars would be nearly three-times as deadly as more petrol-powered ones.
An Unpleasant Truth Underlies Gender Discrimination in India
I liked this article because it wasn’t just simple writing without any research & findings, but it was nicely put article with numbers & charts supporting the main idea. The article describes the issue why Hindu religion & states with dominant Hindu population are lagging behind in serious issues like Childhood sex ratio, Women crimes, Girl Education etc. All these issues are prevailing in states with Urban population compared to other backward states, which indicates that Economic Development & Urbanization may not be the only solution towards gender equality in country.
Podcast I recommend: Kunal Shah (Freecharge & CRED founder) Being an Entrepreneur in India
Over 90% of Indian startups fail within 5 years of inception. What mistakes are these startups making? While some say that ‘premature scaling’ is perhaps, the number one cause, Kunal feels the problem lies in the basic foundation of the startup & insufficient understanding of the market.
Indian startups treat companies like their spouses. But companies need to be treated like kids, you need to get them to a point & after that probably they’re not best for you to run.
Twitter Video: Face Recognition Systems in China’s Airports

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