Between the Noise🎯 #8: How Much Can We Afford To Forget, How Google Knows if Someone Is a Great Leader & More
Article 1: How much can we afford to forget, if we train machines to remember?
Most of us no longer know how to grow the food we eat or build the homes we live in, after all. We don’t understand animal husbandry, or how to spin wool, or perhaps even how to change the spark plugs in a car. Most of us don’t need to know these things because we are members of what social psychologists call ‘transactive memory networks’.
Article 2: YouTube Executives Ignored Warnings, Letting Toxic Videos Run Rampant
YouTube has been facing backlashes as it do not take necessary actions to stop toxic content spread across on its platform. Conspiracy videos which questions well established facts like vaccinations, flat earth, moon landing etc spread quickly on YouTube. This article shows how YouTube kept its focus on ‘Engagement’ rather taking strict actions when it was required to stop such ill content spread on the platform.
Article 3: Here's How Google Knows in Less Than 5 Minutes if Someone Is a Great Leader
This article lists out 13 questions that Google asks its employees to know who are good leaders within their company. It’s great to see that only 1 question is related to hard skills, rest all are about communication, feedback, coaching, teamwork, respect, and consideration.
Documentary : Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened
The Fyre Festival was billed as a luxury music experience on a posh private island, but it failed spectacularly in the hands of a cocky entrepreneur. This is a Netflix Orignial Documentary which shows archive footage of pre-event planning scenes & it interviews key people involved in Fyre which made this a failed ‘luxury music festival’.
Chart for the Week : World Population Growth
I recently came across this via Twitter. It’s by far the best compilation of World Population Growth Data including different graphical representations. Open it, you’d love it too!
Twitter Thread: How Jet Airways came full circle with Tata?
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